
5 Essential Office Supplies Every Pantry Should Stock

The word "pantry" conjures up ideas of attractive bottles and tins filled with tasty edibles for snacking between meals. But most office pantries range from being small alcoves with a hotplate to make tea or coffee as well as canteens with unlimited supplies of beverages and snacks. Whatever the size of your office pantry, you want to find the best prices to buy office supplies in Dubai to keep your pantry stocked with the essentials to keep employees happy by creating an aura of care and efficiency in the office.

Beverages Vending Machine – If an office does not have beverage vending machines inside their premises then staff will tend to waste time walking out in search of their favorite drink. That's why these are now considered essentials to improve productivity. Coffee and tea are two essential beverages that are savored by office staff across all levels.

Dry snacks and chocolates – Research shows that even with proper meals, levels of salt and sugar in the body go down due to work related stress. During these periods, strong cravings for snacks and sweets reduce concentration and a steady supply of these items in the office pantry can keep staff satiated and happy.

Paper cups and plates – As an employer would you want staff to waste time cleaning cups and plates each time they take a beverage or eat some snacks? Disposable paper cups and plates are also eco-friendly products that will ensure that productivity does not get affected when employees want to take a short break between hectic work schedules.

Small food storage essentials – Why not have a few extra food containers that staff can use for stacking their personal stash of snacks and beverages? Some staff members may prefer to use homemade snacks and beverages due to special health conditions which they cannot carry on a daily basis. If small food storage tins and boxes are provided, then staff gratitude may turn to strong loyalty towards the organization for understanding.

Water Filter – Water is another essential that should be a part of every office pantry and can be stored in the form of a water filter or bottled water. An employer with a caring attitude towards his staff knows that these small gestures will help ensure good health and loyalty.


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